Video Conferencing Pros and Cons

Video conferencing solutions allow participants in a meeting to see and hear each other, production for an interactive conference. Video conferencing is also used for educational training, surveillance, accident response and security. When video conferencing is used correctly, it has a significant result on the way habitancy do company and the success of the business. Decisions can be made faster and deals sealed quicker. This enables you to stay in front of your competitors.

Another clear benefit of using video conferencing is that it allows people, especially company owners, to meet with their clients from any location, This obviously saves a great deal of time and money that can be great spent for educational training, etc. Video conferencing is also used to supply customer aid and for sales.


Unfortunately, with the pluses that come with video conferencing, there are some limitations. This sophisticated technology requires months to develop a network and setup conferencing equipment. The preliminary cost is very high. A discussion room has to be available for the video system to be installed, and the system might be underutilized. Also, the system itself will need at least one staff person to run the technical part of any conference. This could also be an under utilization of staff time.

There are still problems with this video technology, thus there can be a lot of wasted time that can cause disruptions, etc. It can also sometimes be difficult to truly see how a singular client or group may be reacting via video conferencing.

Video Conferencing Pros and Cons

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