Bring Google Fiber to Midland

Bring Google Fiber to Midland Tube. Duration : 2.33 Mins.

Midland County is home to a City of Modern Explorers. We blend rural living and high tech jobs. Our outlying areas are underserved when it comes to broadband access and our more populated areas could always use a bit more competition when it comes to Internet Service Providers. Bringing Google Fiber into Midland County allows us to explore new applications that were not possible before. Some ideas of this would be reviewing 3D images of MRI or CT scans with other Hospitals or over a conferencing application with your personal Doctor from your home PC. I cant stress enough how priceless the infrastructure would be to the citizens of Midland County. It can be used for High Speed Internet Service, extension of cellular towers for better coverage, extension of radio towers for emergency services and even bringing TV service (ala Verizon FiOS) to all served areas. With this in place, the possibilities are unlimited in what can be delivered.

Tags: Midland County Michigan, Google Fiber, Google Fiber for Communities, Midland, Midland MI

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