The Benefits of Having a Reservationless Conference Call

Organizations of all types today utilize new communications technology to facilitate collaboration among members. One of the most-used and most useful applications is the teleconference, which enables multiple people and groups of people in separate locations to connect and talk on the same phone call. The teleconference has become a staple of business life, and it is used by all types of organizations, including multinational corporations, government agencies, universities and academic collaborators, and small businesses. New communications technologies facilitate the spread of information and ideas, and conference calls are no exception.

However, conference calls today still are not very user-friendly. Often there is a long dial-in number that needs to be distributed beforehand either through email or another phone call. Then after dialing that number, the teleconference participant must enter a code or password in order to join the conference. This process can be tedious and annoying in everyday situations; in the event of an emergency, this type of delay could actually be dangerous.

The reservationless conference call is the answer to quickly setting up and participating in a teleconference with either a handful or dozens of other people. Not all mass notification companies offer the option of setting up an instant conference call, so it is important to make sure that the company you select offers this service. The notification company will contain the contact information of the organization's members in its database, and when an administrator or other user sends out a message, they can select the option to connect that person to an on-demand conference call.

Imagine this situation: your company receives word that a natural disaster has occurred at or near one of its facilities. Management needs to be notified immediately to determine the details of the situation and to decide what course of action to take. How do you connect all of these people in the fastest way possible? You could contact all of them by phone individually, but this wastes valuable time in a critical situation. You can email them, but there is no guarantee they will see the email or realize the severity immediately.

The solution is an emergency notification service that has the ability to set up a reservationless conference call. Simply send out a message to your users, telling them that a critical situation has occurred. This message will be send over multiple modalities, including email, SMS text message to cell phones, and voice messages to cell phones, home phones, work phones, and BlackBerry PINs. The message will give the user the option to connect instantly to an on-demand conference call. In a matter of seconds, your whole team can be connected to a reservationless conference call, without all the hassle and waste of first setting up the conference, then notifying all of the participants of the dial-in number and the password, and then waiting for all the the participants to dial in and enter their passwords.

When time is of the essence, as it is in an emergency or a critical business situation, an organization needs a reservationless conference call option that can be relied upon. Having a robust and reliable emergency notification service is the answer.

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