Web conferencing is an amazing advantage to businesses of all kinds and sizes in the 21st century. The Internet and continued software development have risen to the occasion of meeting increasing market demand for being able to run virtual offices and host or attend virtual meetings to cut down very seriously on overhead, travel expenses and time, and food expenses. Web conferencing has become an integral part of this new way of doing business as fuel prices continue to stay high and it becomes harder to get large start-up business loans.
If you are going to use web conferencing technology, you of course want to use it right. Using technology can be a miraculous help, but using it in the wrong way or incompetently can be a dreaded nightmare and harm your business.
*When you attend a web conference, be serious just as you would in a real-world setting. Don't think you can cut corners and goof off, or multitask. Turn off your cell phone. Shut down your e-mail. Do not playMMORPGs while pretending to attend. Dress appropriately and take good notes. No, you're not going to have to pass a test or anything meeting's end, but you will be quite embarrassed if the host asks questions then and you can't participate.
*If you are hosting the meeting, you are the benevolent dictator. This is not a democracy free-for-all. You are the boss and the leader of the meeting, and those who are attending must be expected to comply with that or else they get kicked out. According to web conferencing expert JenniferDeVoe, the chief executive of White Horse in Portland, Ore., "Successful Web meetings require a good facilitator to promote the inclusion of diverse parties and to keep agendas and meeting goals focused. Keep the agenda very tight and on target. The designated facilitator should play an active role in keeping the participants involved and engaged."
*When you're preparing to host a web conference, imagine that you are going to be onstage, and that you are playing before a liveaudience . This means, do not say, write, present, wear, or do anything in this meeting that you would not do in a real-life meeting. Oh--and that includes shutting the door to your office!
*Web conferencing is not telephone conferencing. And at the same time, as real-life-like as it is, it's still all being done via Internet. So, you have to be aware of these strictures. According to MattAbrahams, a former VP of education for Openwave , Inc., and someone highly experienced with web conferencing, "Both presenter and audience are better served by asking specific questions that are more likely to inspire a direct and useful response from the participants. For instance, does anyone have a question about the 'X' feature?" Most of these rules are learned with practice, which should be done internally rather than with customers or prospective customers"
So, follow these tips with your web conferencing. You'll make your virtual meetings very successful.
One of the most reliable web conferencing providers is GoToMeeting. For a detailed review as well as more information on online conferencing services, visit BestForWebinars.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_Cruz
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